The 5-Minute Guide to Cloud Identity Security

The 5-Minute Guide to Cloud Identity Security

Entitlement Governance for Hybrid & Multicloud Admins

Cloud security teams have become adept at monitoring resource configurations, ensuring compliance and detecting threats. However, cloud security admins are often stuck dealing with a tricky but equally important problem: controlling user or entity (such as containers and APIs) access and permissions.

Because most Cloud Security Posture Management solutions can’t monitor user privileges, this adds to the administrators’ burden.

Gartner recently reported that among 95% of cloud accounts, fewer than 3% of active entitlements were actually used. 1

Translation: The vast majority of entitlements create excess privileges – exactly the opposite of what organizations should be striving for as they aim to implement Zero Trust cloud security strategies.

Fortunately, a solution to these challenges has emerged in the form of a new strategy for entitlement management: Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM).

Download this e-book and see how the combined functionality of CSPM and CIEM can help admins like you oversee large-scale, multicloud environments with confidence and ease. Get practical tips for transforming, growing and improving your cloud posture security management today.


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