Cloud-native application development is one of the fastest-growing trends in tech today, with Gartner and IDC forecasting that 90-95% of apps will be cloud-native by 2025. Thriving companies born in the cloud – such as Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb – prove why this growth is warranted. The approach allows for massive scale at rapid speeds, always-on and always-updated environments, and frees organizations from the inflexibility of legacy systems. Analysts recognize that these cloud-native benefits are possible for any business, not just the tech elite.

But, there’s a disconnect — companies are expecting to adopt a technology they don’t know enough about. “Cloud-native” is being tossed around like a buzzword, creating confusion and muddying the understanding of its benefits and business impact. While analysts expect a sharp rise in cloud-native development globally, more than half (53%) of IT leaders and developers still don’t know much about it. This raises important questions: Is the forecasted growth hype or are we entering a phase of high-speed adoption?

And are IT leaders prepared with the knowledge, tools, and talent they need to face their cloud-native future?

Starting with the basics, cloud-native refers to applications designed from the ground up to take advantage of the benefits of a cloud computing infrastructure: flexibility, scale, resilience, and elasticity. Addressing these challenges is essential, as companies struggle with growing software backlogs, continuous application changes, wasted development time, and developer talent shortages. Cloud-native applications enable new and enhanced customer experiences, significantly increased development speed, and ease the management of constant change.



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