Maximizing Your Marketing ROI with Machine Learning

Maximizing Your Marketing ROI with Machine Learning

Businesses are struggling to find the right strategies for customer acquisition and retention that drive optimal growth. Traditional strategies such as advertising and direct mail result in one-size-fits-all approaches that fail to create long lasting engagement.

Marketers can no longer rely on the old way of reaching out to customers. Machine Learning (ML) is one of the hottest trends in marketing, and can help companies make better-informed decisions based on real data.

When deployed within marketing technology, ML models can help make better predictions about customer behavior, create more finely tuned personas for segmentation and develop more targeted personalization to deliver more relevant offers to your customers.

But how do you build trust and adoption in ML when many business units do not understand it and its impact in meeting their goals? Watch this on-demand session as we break down how to leverage ML to improve your marketing efforts and earn value, including:

  • Role of Machine Learning in CX and how it works
  • How to use ML to power 1:1 customer experiences
  • Top use cases for ML including likelihood models, clusters, recommendations


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