Getting Started with CASB

Getting Started with CASB

Hybrid Work, Digital Transformation and the Cloud

The cloud has been a game-changer for modern business. Cloud platforms and services are key enablers of today’s remote, hybrid and mobile workforce. They make business more agile, workplaces more flexible and operations more efficient.

But the cloud is also a game-changer for cybersecurity. Users, apps and data no longer sit behind your network perimeter. Your people share sensitive data without oversight. And cyber criminals can compromise user cloud accounts to steal funds and valuable data.

For all their benefits, cloud-based applications and services create new risks and make compliance more challenging. For modern businesses, managing these new risks without squandering the cloud’s many benefits of a cloud migration can be a delicate balancing act.

Cloud security should start with securing ITapproved applications—such as Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace—that contain your most valuable assets. But most organizations need more visibility into and control over how people access, use and share apps and sensitive data in the cloud.

That’s where a cloud access security broker (CASB) solution can help.


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