DAM + PIM: Creating Highly Compatible & Quality Customer Experiences

DAM + PIM: Creating Highly Compatible & Quality Customer Experiences

Extraordinary customer experiences are like great conversations. Both parties feel fulfilled and heard, and a valuable connection has taken place. These interactions are anchored in knowing what to say, and how to say it.

By leveraging DAM and PIM systems, brands can think of these technologies as a central nervous system that perceives and responds to customer needs. Each digital experience sends information, and together, DAM and PIM systems comprehend those signals and react to deliver the next best communication to any audience.

But how do you bring these conversations to life? Acquia DAM has partnered with The Content Advisory to create a playbook for using DAM and PIM technology to deliver a connected and automated network of content-driven digital experiences.

Do you have DAM and PIM software as part of your core martech stack? If not, you may be missing opportunities to deliver differentiated digital experiences throughout your customer journey. Download the ebook today, to learn how.

What's covered:

  • How to audit your desired customer experience
  • Steps for architecting a layered approach
  • A guide to activating a phased charter


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