Can Hot Melt Extrusion Displace Spray-Drying in Solubility Enhancement?

Can Hot Melt Extrusion Displace Spray-Drying in Solubility Enhancement?

Access an inside view of the future of hot melt extrusion (HME), long used in the pharmaceutical industry for improving solubility and bioavailability in the manufacture of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) for oral solid dosage (OSD) forms.

Your free article from Scrip, presented in partnership with Thermo Fisher Scientific, explores the advantages, challenges, and outlook for this important technology. Download it now to explore:

  • HME and its solubility advantages
  • The environmental advantages of HME
  • The high-temperature challenges of HME
  • The challenges of changing industry mindsets about HME
  • HME and its outlook


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