Breaking the Status Quo: Creating the Digital Insurance Experience of the Future

Breaking the Status Quo: Creating the Digital Insurance Experience of the Future

Becoming a truly digital insurer is no easy feat. It involves breaking out of the traditional ways of thinking, fostering a culture of innovation, digitalising the customer experience across every touchpoint, addressing data limitations, and meeting technology requirements to eliminate the constraints of yesterday’s legacy technology systems.

To find out how insurance leaders are tackling these challenges and creating the digital insurance experience of the future, EIS hosted a Think Tank session at the 2021 Insurance Innovators Big Meetup in London. First, esure and Generali presented their digital transformation journeys at the Think Tank session. Then approximately 60 insurance leaders — from CEOs, CIOs, and chief digital officers to VPs of strategy, directors of claims, customer care, and underwriting — participated in a discussion led by EIS.


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