Beamery Talent Index – 6th Edition

Beamery Talent Index – 6th Edition

In this Sixth Edition of the Beamery Talent Index, 6,017 office-based workers from the UK, USA, and France told us their feelings towards their workplace, employer, and work in general.

This edition highlights:

  • the importance of retention strategies - particularly internal mobility and learning & development opportunities
  • flexibility in the workplace
  • cultural impact of ‘quiet quitting’

The market has changed: worries about job security have shifted, and the majority of employees feel like finding a new role would be challenging. That said, a sizable number of people are ready to move on.

The data shows that lack of career progression, and lack of development opportunities, are key factors in regards to retention. Investment is clearly needed towards reskilling and upskilling employees, and to help organizations become more agile and efficient.


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