Auditing ESG Risk: Get the How-to Guide

Auditing ESG Risk: Get the How-to Guide

Global interest in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, compliance, and reporting has grown dramatically since 2020 which in turn has changed in how businesses are being held accountable for responsible ESG performance. This AuditBoard and Deloitte guide outlines trends in the ESG landscape and current readiness, approaches to auditing ESG risk and reporting, and ways to add value in this area.

There are ever-increasing examples that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk is being directly tied to business performance. Gartner pinpoints ESG as a top-ten risk area for internal audit department focus in 2022, while over the past two years, double the institutional investors have committed to investing responsibly. Additionally, regulators are beginning to implement more formal ESG performance standards. But many stakeholders are going a step further, pushing businesses to take advantage of ESG for value creation.

AuditBoard and Deloitte’s new guide, How to Audit ESG Risk and Reporting, explores how auditors can help their businesses better manage and report on ESG risk — and encourage them to embrace its value-creating potential.

Download the full guide for key takeaways and findings, including:

  • Trends in the ESG landscape, including how businesses fare in ESG readiness.
  • Common approaches to integrating ESG risk and reporting in internal audit plans.
  • Key questions to ask for a risk-based approach to auditing ESG.

Take an integrated approach to manage and report on ESG risk — and add value. Download the full guide now.


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