Alternative Deal Structures Leveraging Advanced Pricing Analytics to Maximize Competitive Advantage in Auto Lending

Alternative Deal Structures Leveraging Advanced Pricing Analytics to Maximize Competitive Advantage in Auto Lending

Amid inventory shortage, skyrocketing prices, and changing interest rates, one thing all car buyers detest is spending time haggling with the dealer (or the bank) about financing. The rise of the digital, on-demand economy has led borrowers to expect instant credit decisions along with multiple financing options to choose from, moving Alternative Deal Structures to the spotlight.

This eBook focuses on best practices for leveraging Alternative Deal Structures (ADS) in auto finance along with technology requirements for next-generation lending solutions.

Read this eBook to understand what ADS can do for your pricing operation, including:

  • Meeting borrower’s expectations for faster credit decisions and minimizing rehashing;
  • Lowering processing costs;
  • Improving your ability to capture more auto loans;
  • Increasing loan profitability;
  • And more…


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