Your guide to setting up a cybersecurity incident response plan

Your guide to setting up a cybersecurity incident response plan

What is a cybersecurity incident response plan?

A cybersecurity incident response plan (CSIRP) is a document that tells you and your staff what to do in case of a security incident such as a data breach, ransomware attack, service outage or loss of sensitive information. The incident plan has several steps, including identifying incidents, recognizing their priority, containing and eliminating them, recovery, and taking actions to prevent future incidents. The plan also includes roles and responsibilities—that is, who in your company does what in the event of a security incident—and communication plans. We’ll be covering all of these elements in this guide.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has a complete guide to setting up a CSIRP, which you can find here. It’s a little bit lengthy and detailed — that’s why we’ve extracted the best bits for you here!

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