The Future Of B2B Content

The Future Of B2B Content


The future of content is contextualized experiences Dramatic improvements to the content engine will be essential to fuel engagement throughout

the customer lifecycle and deliver the insights necessary for continuous improvement. To tackle

these challenges and build for the future, organizations should seize the opportunity to make

bold bets in technology, functional skills, operational alignment, and experimentation.


In Forrester’s 2022 State Of B2B Content Survey, Forrester surveyed 133 Forrester

contacts with B2B marketing responsibilities who directly contribute to one or more aspects of the content lifecycle. This report explains the ways in which the B2B content engine is currently broken, how it can be fixed, and how marketers will leverage AI and data to build contextualized content experiences.

Read the report to learn:

  • How the B2B content engine is broken across the customer experience.
  • Why content must fit the contextual needs of the audience at the point of interaction.
  • Why improving content engagement requires that you take a fresh look at the nature of content.
