2023 US IT Salary Report: Rising Salaries and Closing the Gender Pay Gap

2023 US IT Salary Report: Rising Salaries and Closing  the Gender Pay Gap

Employers focused on repopulating empty IT seats in 2021 during a labor shortage and surging demand for IT services. Salaries bumped up accordingly, for an average 4% increase over the previous year to $125,000 annually (Figure 1). However, the new numbers on paychecks fell flat given salary increases in previous years (9% in 2019 to 2020) were higher and job openings were soaring. The great play to overcome the Great Resignation proved to be not so great after all. Worker sentiment trended toward a cynical turn.

“Although I got a raise over the pandemic it was really a reward for getting the company through a difficult transition. I don’t see any raise coming, if I did get one it would be 3% or less. Historically our company gives raises intermittently that end up being 3% when factored over the years you didn’t get a raise,” said Dac Campbell, Director, Information Technology & Technical Director, Technical Staff & Director at Ralph Appelbaum Associates, one of the world’s oldest and largest museum exhibition and narrative environments design firms.