Unleash the Power of Personalized Search for Your Distribution Company

Unleash the Power of Personalized Search for Your Distribution Company

In the digital age, B2B distributors must offer a seamless experience on their website, and site search is one fundamental component to achieve this. Site search helps buyers find what they need faster, as well as discover new products or services — all of which could lead to more revenue and a bigger return on your e-commerce investment. Not to mention, site search also gives distributors the ability to analyze buying behavior and then personalize the e-commerce search bar accordingly.

However, site search is more difficult in B2B than B2C. The products are more complicated, technical, and specific than consumer goods, making it a challenge to know which brand, size, or type is the right one in a sea of complex and nuanced choices not often seen in B2C.

Personalized search can be hard in B2B, too. This is because distributors need to focus on the needs of all industries they serve — from agriculture to plumbing — to offer products in their result sets, category pages, and product recommendations that speak to their various segments of buyers. Take a buyer searching for a simple query like “gloves,” for instance. If a hospital is looking for “medical gloves,” you certainly don’t want your e-commerce website to return results for “electrical gloves” that an electrician would use.