How an IT solution provider improved customer uptime

How an IT solution provider improved customer uptime 

UPS Protection is a California-based IT solution provider and electrical contractor specializing in the design, sale, installation, and service of single-phase and three-phase uninterruptible power supply (UPS) solutions. This IT solution provider is also one of Schneider Electric’s most recent, featured customer success stories. Why?

UPS Protection added a managed power services offering to its portfolio and grew its revenue while providing peace of mind to customers.

Owner and CEO Dan Coffman bought the business 15 years ago and quickly established the goal of providing his clients with reliable, high-quality power protection solutions. “When I first bought the business, we immediately became a Schneider Electric partner,” he said. “The brand awareness of APC products is so strong that, many times, it’s the first thing my customers ask for.”

See how Coffman’s continued partnership with Schneider Electric has been worthwhile for the business and its customers.