Modernize Your B2B Integration: Tour the Industry’s Leading Platform

Modernize Your B2B Integration: Tour the Industry’s Leading Platform

The traditional approach to B2B integration has left too many organizations with siloed technologies, manual intervention, limited visibility, poor issue resolution, and slow onboarding.  These approaches are simply broken.

Today’s supply chain requires logistics, manufacturing, and wholesale organizations to have complete control over their API and EDI integrations.  Integration requirements from your internal and external stakeholders ALWAYS feel overwhelming.  The reality is the demand for improved API and EID integrations will continue to become more complex, and your strategy must constantly evolve to support the influx of new partners, applications, marketplaces, and more.

Take a hands-on tour of Cleo Integration Cloud, a modern platform for B2B integration.  During your test drive, you’ll find.

  • Customizable Real-time Dashboards: Keep technical, business, and executive users informed on your B2B transactions and operational health.
  • Proactive transaction Error Notifications: Pinpoint where errors occurred before they become a problem and immediately resolve issues with drill-down capabilities down to individual data within messages.
  • Self-Service Integration: User friendly capabilities to clone data maps, tweak existing maps, and publish new API or EDI integrations that significantly reduce onboarding times from months to days.

Take the Tour Today