Coaching & Mentoring 2023: Our Top 6 Findings

Coaching & Mentoring 2023: Our Top 6 Findings

Coaching and mentoring continue to be essential components of workforce development strategies. It has a demonstrable impact on both the individual and organizational levels. The past two research studies on coaching and mentoring (The State of Coaching and Mentoring 2021 and 2022) showed considerable differences in both individual and organizational performance within organizations that had highly effective coaches and mentors versus those that did not.

Looking into the future, the importance of coaching and mentoring will increase, in part due to a different looming priority: the need for massive upskilling and reskilling. In the HR Research Institute’s recent report, The Future of Upskilling and Employee Learning 2023, coaching and mentoring are considered the second most effective training and development method for upskilling/reskilling our workforce.