Traditional computers. Modern devices. Total endpoint security.

Traditional computers. Modern devices. Total endpoint security.

The circumstance of the global pandemic hastened a trend that was already gaining momentum in early 2020: the move toward a hybrid on-premises and remote workforce. Today business has moved beyond the boardroom and out of the cubicle into employees’ homes, hotel rooms, cafes, airports and just about anywhere a Wi-Fi or cellular connection can be found. Many organizations still rely on traditional endpoints, including desktop computers, servers and other on-premises equipment, even as their employees adopt more modern devices such as smartphones, tablets and internet-of-things (IoT) technologies to help them get work done.

As an IT professional, your job of managing this increasingly complex environment has gotten exponentially more challenging. Your team is likely under pressure to not only keep track of all these endpoints but also to continually protect your network and devices from cyberthreats, which continue to increase every year.