Q1’23 DDoS Threat Landscape Report - Recent DDoS threats have potential to cause downtime

Q1’23 DDoS Threat Landscape Report - Recent DDoS threats have potential to cause downtime


In times of economic uncertainty, organizations are even more vulnerable to disruptions and downtime, which can result in revenue loss. DDoS attacks continue to be a threat to online channels  – cyber attackers choose this method because they are fast and cheap to launch, don’t require a toehold in existing systems, and can cause massive disruption relative to the effort. 

We analyzed attacks across our global network to decipher new threat trends that have the potential to threaten business operations across multiple regions, industries, and more. 

Read the Q1’23 DDoS Threat Landscape Report to learn more about:

  • Hacktivist groups targeting critical industries
  • High performance botnets
  • A record-breaking 71 million rps attack