Radware Alteon offers the best of Citrix NetScaler. (EN)

Radware Alteon offers the best of Citrix NetScaler.

With a change in strategic direction away from Asia Pacific, massive layoffs, the removal of its application security dev team, and plans to raise prices while reducing support, Citrix has made it clear that you are not part of their future plans.

Switch to Radware Alteon today.

Consider these possible risks by staying with Netscaler:

  • Degradation of support due to reduced or redirected workforce
  • A limited product roadmap that lacks innovation for most users
  • Increased ownership costs with higher prices and fewer partners

Don’t let your old ADC put you at risk, switch to Radware Alteon today.

Alteon is an industry-leading load balancer and ADC. It offers best-of-suite app protection services, including WAF, bot management, API security, DDoS and client-side protection. Put the focus back on securing the future of your ADC solution.

Read Top Reasons to Consider Radware to find out how