6 Strategies to Maximize Background Check Efficiency Ahead of the Holiday Hiring Surge
The retail industry typically experiences significant employee churn, especially during peak hiring seasons. In fact, retailers often need to replace more than half of their staff every year and the industry has been facing quit rates that nearly double the national average since the pandemic began. Retail is also one of the industries taking a huge labor hit with 70% of jobs unfilled, due to current economic conditions.
Slow and outdated hiring processes and practices can bottleneck the hiring funnel. According to a Checkr survey of retail workers, 23% said their biggest turn-off during the job search was how long the entire process takes. If your job application process is tedious, candidates may jump ship to the competition or decide to stay put where they are. This could leave your organization understaffed during your busiest seasons — costing you time and revenue.
In this guide, you’ll learn 6 strategies to: