Salesforce & FormAssembly: Get More Out of Your Data Collection with Salesforce-Integrated Web Forms

Salesforce & FormAssembly: Get More Out of Your Data Collection with Salesforce-Integrated Web Forms

Salesforce is a powerful tool, but manually entering important customer data into Salesforce is a less than ideal process. It’s not only time consuming, but can result in poor data hygiene and security vulnerabilities. For organizations that collect large amounts of data in Salesforce, manual data entry simply isn’t efficient, secure, or scalable. That’s why thousands of Salesforce users rely on FormAssembly— the secure, all-in-one form builder and data collection platform that integrates seamlessly with Salesforce.

With FormAssembly, you can eliminate the need for tedious and error-prone manual data entry, which results in major time, money, and resource savings. In this guide, we’re sharing how your organization could benefit from FormAssembly and Salesforce and how organizations across a variety of industries have seen results.