Achieve Digital Acceleration With Adaptive Cloud Security

Achieve Digital Acceleration With Adaptive Cloud Security

40% of IT professionals cite cloud monitoring, security, and application development to be hybrid/multi-cloud challenges.*

Cloud security is essential for realizing successful digital transformation as 90% of organizations increased their public cloud computing usage. This was a direct result of the global pandemic.

Misconfigurations, inconsistent security, and security blind spots have resulted from enterprises rushing to the cloud over the past two years. The top five areas that should be addressed when building and managing security in the cloud are:

  1. Risk of data loss and/or compromise: Caused by user error/accidental deletion, overwriting data, or malicious action.
  2. Regulatory compliance: Adhering to industry standards and legal regulations.
  3. Resources/skills gap: Lack of skills needed to deploy and maintain cloud-based systems effectively.
  4. Complexity: Due to a multitude of systems and services that become too numerous to operate in a reliable way.
  5. Deployment/setup: Misconfigurations increase risk of cyberthreat exposure.

Learn more by downloading WEI's tech brief, Achieve Digital Acceleration With Adaptive Cloud Security.

 *Foundry Research commissioned by WEI, December 2021.