Rise in Friendly Fraud 2024: Understanding and Combating Chargebacks

Rise in Friendly Fraud 2024: Understanding and Combating Chargebacks

2024's Rise in Friendly Fraud: Why Your Business Needs a New Strategy

Friendly fraud is on the rise, and with it comes a surge in unjustified chargebacks. Whether it's mistaken identity, buyer’s remorse, or intentional abuse, these fraudulent claims are taking a toll on e-commerce businesses. 

In fact, in a survey of 1,100 merchants published by the MRC earlier this year, 63% said that first-party misuse had grown over the last year, according to the MRC’s “2024 Global Payments and Fraud Report.”

In 2024, the stakes are higher than ever. Are you prepared to fight back?

Our latest report uncovers the trends driving this increase and offers practical solutions to mitigate your exposure. Learn how to protect your revenue, prevent chargebacks, and stay ahead of emerging fraud tactics.