Cloud Threat Report: Volume 4

Cloud Threat Report: Volume 4


Lacework Labs details the increasing speed at which attackers discover and exploit access to cloud environments in their most recent Cloud Threat Report, Volume 4.

In the last six months, Lacework Labs has seen a significant increase in efficiencies used by cybercriminals. Identities continue to be a key target for attackers. As an organization’s cloud maturity improves, they generate more operational data resulting in an environment that changes more frequently. It’s this ever-shifting nature where attackers see an opportunity. In this latest report, get insights into some of these main trends in the cloud threat landscape:

  • Attackers are automating key discovery and exploits, taking advantage of momentary mistakes.
  • Simple mistakes turn into misconfigurations that attackers are using to compromise your cloud identity infrastructure.
  • Vulnerabilities continue to stick around for months, even years and attackers quickly exploit new vulnerabilities and continue to do so as long as they exist.
  • Cryptojacking continues to be a staple in the cybercriminals’ tool belt.