NCSC Top 10 Steps to Cyber Security Compliance with Forescout

NCSC Top 10 Steps to Cyber Security Compliance with Forescout

In 2022, the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) updated their 10 Steps to Cyber Security to help medium to large organisations better understand and mitigate their cyber risk. The guidance addresses topics such as the widespread adoption of cloud services, the shift to mobile working and increasing threats such as ransomware and supply chain security. Compliance with the 10 Steps is designed to ensure that technology, systems and information are protected against the majority of cyberattacks.

Either natively or by coordinating automated actions among security tools, the Forescout Continuum Platform supports many of the 10 Steps. It extends scarce IT and InfoSec resources with continuous, automated asset management, risk compliance, network segmentation, network access control and security orchestration across all connected assets, going above and beyond baseline security recommendations to provide a strong foundation for zero trust.