Asset based field service for utility operations

Asset based field service for utility operations

Despite the critical role assets play in the utility business, utility asset management has not yet undergone the kinds of performance management transformation seen other areas of the business such as customer engagement or human resource management.

Missteps in operating and maintaining an asset can result in costly, reactive repairs, shorter asset lifespans, reliability issues, and even massive regulatory fines and lawsuits. After all three treatment pumps at a UK wastewater treatment facility failed at the same time due to a build-up of debris, resulting in a two-day discharge of untreated sewage within half a mile of shore, the utility was fined GBP 160,000.

The clear path for asset optimization through cost, performance, and health relies on fast, accurate, complete access to all of the relevant data across the business.

Learn how to achieve better business outcomes a common data-centric platform to enable comprehensive asset lifecycle management.