6 Ways Technology Empowers Employees and Lifts In-Store Experiences

6 Ways Technology Empowers Employees and Lifts In-Store Experiences


The Ripple Effect of Employee Experiences

According to Gartner, the average customer begins to look elsewhere after 2.3 negative experiences.1 While one or two lost customers might not impact your brand greatly, the chain-wide multiplier effect of widespread dissatisfaction can seriously damage customer loyalty and future earnings.

Positive customer experiences are ultimately the result of fulfilled and engaged store associates, who know precisely what they need to do, where to do it and when. They’re at the top of their game executing tasks and responding to changes nimbly, because they’re well-informed and inter-connected to their teams.

On the other hand, when employees don’t know what to do or where to do it, less work is completed, overall leaving stores with issues that can impact on-shelf availability, checkout speed, employee engagement, labor turnover and even abandoned carts. The end result is typically more negative experiences for employees, customers and ultimately—lost revenue.