Are you leaving your customers' cars underserviced?

Are you leaving your customers’ cars underserviced?

How many car batteries are you replacing each month?

If it’s not about 25% of your monthly car count, you may be leaving customers with a battery failure risk.

Here’s why…

According to annual failure rates from Battery Council International, about 25 percent of the drivers visiting repair shops likely have a battery that’s about to die. That’s 1 in 4 cars on the road that needs a new battery today.

A battery tester is the best way to find weak batteries; however, in a dangerous trend, auto technicians typically only check corroded batteries or test if their customer requests the service.

Through our research, Interstate Batteries have found automotive repair shops with car counts close to 400 a month who replace fewer than a dozen batteries a month. That's much lower than 25 percent of the failure rate, which would be close to 100 batteries a month for shops their size.

Could that be your business, too?

Check your battery math:

  • How many cars do you service each month?
  • What is 25% of that number?
  • How does that compare to the number of batteries that you replace each month?

Find out how partnering with Interstate Batteries helped Mike More Miles double their sales in just a year. Interstate can take your battery program to the next level of service, too.