API Security in the Hybrid, Multi-Cloud Digital World

API Security in the Hybrid, Multi-Cloud Digital World

"You can't protect what you can't see" and "it takes a village" are familiar expressions within security and risk teams. Visibility and policy enforcement are fundamental pillars in cybersecurity and critical components within a holistic API security strategy. But the existing landscape complicates those efforts.

Why? Architecture is becoming de-centralized and distributed, transforming apps into a digital fabric of business logic interconnected by APIs. Yet the enterprise catalog continues to be powered by a mix of legacy and modern apps across data centers, clouds, and at the edge. This hybrid, multi-cloud digital world introduces major risks driven by third-party integrations, inconsistent security controls across cloud providers, and continuous code updates across complex software supply chains and CI/CD pipelines.

So how can you secure APIs in this modern digital fabric? Well, it takes a village.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • The challenges of API security in a hybrid, multi-cloud digital world
  • How to get a handle on API and tool sprawl
  • Specific API security challenges and best practices for financial services
  • Expert insights on trends and solutions for API security