Forrester: The Total Economic Impact™ Of Adyen
As the payments landscape becomes increasingly complex due to a hodgepodge of old and new technologies, strict regulations, and a revolving door of new mandates, players, and operating models, merchants must wisely choose providers that can help navigate these challenges while continuing to support growth. The best payment providers will meet the merchant’s globalization needs, support the payment flows important to the merchant’s business, and match the merchant’s technological pace.
To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment, Forrester interviewed four merchants with extensive experience using Adyen. All four of these merchants transact entirely through e-commerce channels and therefore the study examines the benefits and costs of using Adyen for online payments only. For the purposes of this study, Forrester aggregated the experiences of the interviewed merchants and combined the results into a single composite merchant organization.
Adyen powers subscriptions payments that never stop. Make sure customers sign up with ease, and get their regular fix without any interruptions.