Product-led growth

Your guide to navigating product led growth

Pricing and monetizing your SaaS business globally

Product-led growth (PLG) motions are increasingly prominent across the SaaS spectrum, from start-ups and scale-ups to mid-market and enterprise. Why? It’s simple, really.


When you consider that PLG also lowers customer acquisition costs, speeds up sales cycles and opens up international expansion, it’s no surprise the cumulative value of PLG companies has grown by over 100x in the last six years.


This is a Paddle guide for SaaS businesses navigating PLG billing and pricing if you are adding a product-led growth motion, using it to expand internationally or successfully implementing a hybrid motion to cover downmarket and upmarket sales. 


Paddle is an all-in-one billing solution for product-led growth. Paddle helps SaaS companies grow faster with fewer distractions. As a SaaS merchant of record, we take away the complexity of managing a ‘best in breed’ payments stack — handling all payment routing, tax collection, compliance, invoicing, subscription management, renewals, reporting, and fraud protection.