Manual Approach To Managing Non-employee And Non-human Identities Leads To Security Issues

Manual Approach To Managing Non-employee And Non-human Identities Leads To Security Issues


Creating identities and granting access to non-employees and non-humans is a business necessity. However, research shows it is being managed poorly. With emerging threats like software supply chain security or identity focused exploits, the risks will grow. Companies need to find a better, automated solution to manage the cyber keys to their business.

This paper reviews key findings from a global research survey across 339 participants to understand how companies manage non-employee and non-human identities and respective access privileges. It details how a purpose-built system that utilizes automation and allows both internal and external users to collect identity data while onboarding a new non-employee eliminates over-provisioning and reduces risk, giving organizations more transparency and control over their non-employee resources.

The results are lower labor-related costs for access and issue remediation and the ability to make informed, risk-based decisions about access, ultimately reducing the risk of security breaches.