TAC_933.004_GBL_EBK_Closed Loop Manufacturing Topic

Strive for Zero-Defect Manufacturing Everywhere

To make the new generation of heavy equipment, you must add numerous IT and tech suppliers to your manufacturing ecosystem. That increases complexity, especially in global organizations, where it’s already challenging to align everyone on the requirements of your process, like manufacturing plans, work instructions, on-time delivery, and quality.

Around the world, standards may vary, making global operations a continuous and delicate balancing act between cost and risk. Consistent quality of your products is a must to achieve a positive brand reputation. As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), you must constantly make impacting business decisions. Where will you assemble? Is it better to ship or to produce locally? Can you rely on local suppliers?

To answer such questions, you need smooth access to detailed information regarding all stakeholders in your extended ecosystem, including suppliers and partners. You must digitally connect everyone so that you can gather feedback data on all manufacturing-related activities. This will help you build know-how about all your global manufacturing operations and strive for zero-defect manufacturing everywhere.