Automated Guided Vehicles vs. Autonomous Mobile Robots What Should Manufacturers Deploy in their Facilities?

Automated Guided Vehicles vs. Autonomous Mobile Robots

What Should Manufacturers Deploy in their Facilities?


Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are a familiar fixture in factories, warehouses, and anywhere there’s a need for repetitive material delivery. However, AGVs offer limited flexibility in the current market and may require significant changes to your facility.  Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) on the other hand can move independently around an environment without the need for extensive facility modifications.

Each have their place in manufacturing facilities, but the question is whether you expect your materials handling needs to stay the same or to evolve in the future.

As you evaluate which automation technology best suits your business needs, download this eBook and discover:

  • The fundamental difference between AGVs and AMRs
  • What makes AMRs a better choice for your facility?
  • The business case and the cost for each



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