Battery technology solutions for a more sustainable world

Battery technology solutions for a more sustainable world


As electric vehicle sales increase and decarbonization accelerates across industries, demand for batteries is growing exponentially. For battery manufacturers, new and experienced businesses are under pressure to produce high-quality batteries at scale while meeting strict sustainability targets.

Watch the video to discover how our battery technology solutions will help secure your business's role as a leading manufacturer using digital manufacturing software, automation and industrial IoT.

Digital twins are pivotal for battery gigafactories

Use a digital twin, an accurate virtual replication of your operations, to design and validate your plant layout, manufacturing lines, machines and processes before introducing them in battery gigafactories. By planning your operations in a risk-free virtual environment, you can locate manufacturing bottlenecks quickly, reduce the scale-up time from pilot line to gigafactory and lower investment risks. Watch the video to learn how to meet throughput targets while minimizing scrap.

Optimize and scale battery cell manufacturing processes

Battery cell manufacturing involves complex processes that need to be optimized and scaled effectively to compete as a large-scale battery manufacturer. However, rapidly increasing production can risk compliance, quality and traceability. With our comprehensive digital twin, your business can quickly develop and scale battery production processes while ensuring quality and compliance. Learn how to become a leading battery manufacturer in an increasingly competitive market.