In today’s world of customer-centric business strategies, more and more companies are turning to sophisticated document generation tools to simplify, accelerate and personalize their sales processes. Customer information and data is being captured and used to create resonant, personalized documents delivered rapidly to the recipient via their expressed channel preferences. Universal messaging, important for branding, corporate and regulatory compliance, is inherently built into these communications.
The move to technologies that automate the document generation process, from creation to delivery, is transformational for business operations. As providers continue to perfect their solution’s capabilities, they are also offering a compelling user experience, speed of implementation, and ease of integration with existing systems and applications. Simplifying the toolset for business users is taking its place among the most desirable attributes of workplace technologies today.
This whitepaper examines a critical business process in all organizations focused on sales – the Lead-to-Close process. It reveals how document generation and automation help companies achieve benefits at each step of this process, making a very real difference for business users and corporate bottom lines. It also includes success stories of actual customers.