Forrester: The case for an accelerated device refresh cycle

Forrester: The case for an accelerated device refresh cycle

After the turmoil and change of the last three years, companies are collectively moving into a new future of work that includes increased hybrid work and a more dispersed data perimeter. While this opens new opportunities for their employees to collaborate in new ways, it also exposes new security vulnerabilities and leaves a vacuum to be filled by new employee experiences.

As companies refresh their employee hardware/devices, they must contend with new expectations from employees and feel confident that they are selecting the highest-quality hardware. That hardware should not only provide the right capabilities and experience for the organization’s workforce, but it should also ease management burdens, reduce security vulnerabilities, and integrate with cutting-edge software.

In August 2022, Dell commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate how companies are evolving their device refresh strategies to address continued changes in the workforce and in available technology. Forrester conducted an online survey with 416 respondents and four interviews with global directors and above in hardware/technology refresh in IT, operations, and finance in North America, EMEA, and APAC to explore this topic. We found that companies are facing challenges with their current outdated technology and could benefit from reducing the length of their refresh cycles.

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