Give DevOps teams self-service resource pools within your private infrastructure with Dell Technologies APEX cloud and storage solutions

Give DevOps teams self-service resource pools within your private infrastructure with Dell Technologies APEX cloud and storage solutions

We confirmed several real-world use cases in a VMware vSphere with Tanzu environment

The fast-paced needs of modern application development and delivery have pushed some companies to subscribe to public cloud-based solutions such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). It can be frustrating for a DevOps team to wait for a separate IT team to approve every individual resource request. Beyond frustration, this fragmented approach can waste time and money as the teams deliberate over resource usage instead of innovating in their own areas. What some companies don’t realize, however, is that ITOps teams can use VMware® vSphere® technology to deliver public-cloud-like self-service to private cloud solutions such as those in the Dell Technologies APEX portfolio.

At Principled Technologies, we validated key use cases and functionality for a solution comprising Dell Technologies APEX Private Cloud and APEX Data Storage Services running a VMware vSphere with Tanzu environment. The solution allowed us to set up namespace self-service that could enable DevOps teams to create resources within an ITOps-defined quota; set up VM and Kubernetes cluster self-service that dev teams can use to create and destroy clusters and VMs at will; and configure storage policies within VMware vSphere that dev teams could then use to assign storage with specific quality of service (QoS) to clusters and VMs. We then verified the functionality of each of these features by using them to create a simple containerized application and VM appliance and ensuring that the two could communicate with each other. Though each feature we tested would directly empower a theoretical DevOps team, setting up these capabilities would allow ITOps teams to establish limits up front without the need to approve individual DevOps requests.