Time Warner Replaces Spreadsheets with Location Intelligence and Spatial Analysis to Increase Sales

Time Warner Replaces Spreadsheets with Location Intelligence and Spatial Analysis to Increase Sales


Finding a better way to analyze data

Time Warner Cable is the second-largest multiple service provider in the US. Originally a cable television provider, the company introduced high-speed internet, digital phone, and wireless services. Time Warner Cable needed to drive additional revenues from untapped markets — and turned to Precisely software. Using advanced mapping and spatial analysis, the Time Warner Business Development team in Los Angeles could better understand where current customers, competition, and untapped markets are located, helping increase sales across the entire region.


Business challenge

The Los Angeles area, in particular, is one of intense competition, with multiple providers vying for the same customers. Spreadsheets used by the sales teams and company employees were a good way of discussing data, but they were becoming increasingly ineffective in showing the depth of opportunities, the challenges, and the competitive landscape that existed. It was also difficult to manipulate and interpret data in a manner that was relevant to the sales teams.