IDC: Business value of Red Hat Satellite for IT infrastructure

IDC: Business value of Red Hat Satellite for IT infrastructure

ANALYST MATERIAL - IDC: Business value of Red Hat Satellite for IT infrastructure. Red Hat Satellite is a system management solution designed to help Red Hat customers deploy and manage their Red Hat infrastructure. Red Hat Satellite manages Linux systems deployed in physical, virtual, and cloud environments and manages patches and securely automates configuration processes and updates to comply with relevant standards.To validate the benefits of the Red Hat Satellite platform, IDC interviewed seven organizations running enterprise workloads supported by the platform. The survey data obtained from these organizations and applied to IDC’s Business Value model showed that study participants realized significant value with Red Hat Satellite. IDC calculates that study participants will achieve a five-year return on investment (ROI) of 416%, reduce VM deployment time by 78%, cut IT operations costs by 28%, and more.