How Digital Transformation Benefits Medical Device Management

How Digital Transformation Benefits Medical Device Management

Is your hospital faced with any of the challenges?

  • Rising expenses from equipment purchases or rentals
  • Little knowledge of the location, status, or utilization of equipment
  • BioMed spending hours searching for assets
  • Nurses complaining about insufficient supplies
  • Supply department struggling with PAR levels

Medical device management is at the heart of performance for healthcare facilities, from employee productivity to patient care to operational efficiency. However, every year it costs health facilities millions of dollars with only a 40% utilization rate.

Without a proper solution, devices become "lost" when they're simply misplaced, and sourcing of additional devices only add to your problem.

Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) alone can no longer solve the problem. The complexity of today’s device management requires health systems to think beyond “dots on a map” and incorporate IoT, AI, and other emerging technologies into a comprehensive digital transformation strategy.

Get this exclusive eBook and learn about:

  • Industry statistics on the cost of ineffective medical device management
  • How to navigate the technology components of digital transformation
  • How digital transformation helps optimize inventory, utilization, and maintenance
  • How does digital transformation translate into increased productivity, improved patient care, and positive ROI
  • How to choose the right solution for your hospital

Download now to learn how to unlock the full potential of digital transformation to future proof your medical device management.