Making the case for digital transformation in biotech R&D

Making the Case for Digital Transformation in Biotech R&D

Biotech and pharmaceutical companies have made a huge push to move off paper notebooks over the past two decades. However, legacy ELNs and LIMS are difficult to update, silo data, and limit collaboration, slowing progress and hindering an organization's ability to leverage insights, automation, and AI/ML. While many of these platforms claim to be modern and integrated, their product and user experience often fall short. The lack of an adaptable and modern underlying platform - not built with the complexity of biologics in mind - means that they fail to deliver on many of these promises. In reality, a case can be made for system replacement in the cloud that will keep all stakeholders’ compliance requirements, while setting up the organization to take advantage of powerful digital technologies and promote innovation and collaboration.

Listen to industry leaders Aaron Sato (Chief Science Officer at Twist Bioscience), John Conway (Partner at 20/15 Visoneers) and Loren Perelman (Scientific Solutions Consultant at Benchling) discuss the case for digital transformation to fuel scientific innovation, what’s required to stay competitive in an evolving industry, and their approach to leveraging technology to future-proof biotech R&D.

In this webinar we discuss:

  • How to drive digital transformation to accelerate your R&D
  • Creating a business case that compels action
  • What to look for when evaluating data management software for your scientific teams
  • Lessons learned from system replacements
  • Why modern data management platforms are essential to enable insights, automation, and AI/ML



Watch the Webinar Now!