The Definitive Guide to People Analytics: How to Make Better HR Decisions




The Definitive Guide to People Analytics: How to Make Better HR Decisions

HR teams that use people analytics are 10x more likely to be effective at providing insights to top leaders. When data showing the impact of HR is regularly reported on, 56% of executives say it impacts the organization’s management strategy quite a bit or a lot.

However, for many HR teams, drilling down on employee data to find real insights and make business-wide impact can be difficult. Too often data is scattered across multiple systems, data analysis isn’t a skill easily accessible on the team, and budgets are tight.

So what can you do?

In this guide, we’ll walk you through:

  • What is people analytics?
  • What data does HR need to track for people analytics?
  • What questions should HR ask to find the right metrics?
  • Show People analytics in action
  • What tools can HR use to track HR metrics?