Streamline edge network management with VMware’s ENI solution

Streamline edge network management with VMware’s ENI solution

The current state of modern networking

In years past, securing and optimizing an organization’s network was relatively simple. A single firewall adequately prevented data breaches and malware, and what are now legacy network tools managed a minimal load of approved clients and applications.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to a hybrid workforce already beginning to take hold in many industries. As a result, enterprise networks grew infinitely more complicated, especially at the network’s edge where a device or LAN connects to the Internet. Additionally, the number of end-user and Internet of Things (IoT) devices—which access SaaS applications and dramatically increase the flow and amount of data—have become integral to everyday life.

Due to these rapid changes and advances, legacy tools designed to handle a limited data stream can no longer keep up. Keeping an enterprise’s edge network running smoothly and securely is more complex than ever.