Delivery on the promise of privacy

Delivery on the promise of privacy

Personal data can be an organization’s most valuable, but also riskiest type of data... are you confident you’re handling in appropriately?

According to the 2022 Cisco Data Privacy Benchmark Survey, 60% of respondents state a ‘significant business value’ from privacy related investments – with an estimated ROI of 1.8x spend.

Areas of value include…

  • Automating manual, time-consuming requests like Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA), Data Subject Requests (DSAR), Data Mapping, etc.
  • Mitigating losses from data breaches by enforcing retention periods of data
  • Building trust with customers and in turn, loyalty,
  • And the list goes on!

In this interactive eBook, we outline the business impact of an automated Data Discovery & Catalog tool – the foundation of ensuring a real-time understanding the what, where, and why of your organization’s data.

Download the eBook to dive in.