Cracking Tomorrow's CX Code

Cracking Tomorrow’s CX Code: Real-time customer intelligence for exceptional experience


It’s no secret that the last few years have upended the way customers want to interact with companies. Digital engagement has led to higher customer expectations, bigger demands and about a million more choices if one brand doesn’t deliver. Privacy laws and changes by tech companies have marketers scrambling to get the data they need to meet customer expectations. Once tried-and-true CX programs – those that don’t lead with data and digital – are now cracking under the weight. The pressure is on!

The CMO Council and SAS embarked on an extensive study to understand where CX gaps and opportunities lie. We looked at CX from various perspectives and conducted separate surveys for consumers and marketers. We compared mature CX capabilities between top and bottom performers. We noted changes and similarities in CX attitudes from pre-pandemic days to today.

Our study found that more than 60% of marketing leaders say the digital customer journey has dramatically changed their CX strategy. Worse, nearly two-thirds aren’t very confident in their CX strategy’s ability to win and retain customers in this new environment.

While you’ll find insights and recommendations throughout this report, a recurring theme is that CX is as mercurial as human behavior. CX strategies and technologies, too, are constantly evolving. CMOs must work hard to stay ahead.