The Financial Services CIO of 2025: Leading Technology-Driven Growth

The Financial Services CIO of 2025: Leading Technology-Driven Growth

The financial services industry is undergoing unprecedented changes.

Driven by a modern workforce that is pushing for dynamic remote work, a tightening labor force, and thousands of new FinTechs increasing the competitive landscape, the traditional playbook for financial services, simply doesn’t make sense today. At the center of this evolving business landscape is the CIO tasked with understanding the technology evolution and navigating their organization to success.

There’s no time to waste. “The CIOs of today are the ones who are painting the business picture of the future,” says Sumit Dhawan, president of VMware. “That’s how powerful the technologies have become. And that’s today, not just in the future. They’re actually shaping the future today.”

Read on to learn more about:

  • How today’s finance CIOs are gaining visibility and importance in the executive suite
  • What opportunities are available to those who embrace multi-cloud
  • Why modernizing the app pipeline is critical to creating rich and consistent customer experiences
  • How CIOs must architect new workflows and environment