How to Stop Business Email Compromise Threats

How to Stop Business Email Compromise Threats

Protect your business from ecommerce email fraud

In the world of ecommerce, businesses need to stay vigilant against an ever-widening range of attacks — including inventory-hoarding bots, cross-site scripting (XSS), and email-based threats.

Sophisticated tactics, like business email compromise (BEC), may trick employees into disclosing sensitive information, then use that intel to divert customer payments into attacker-controlled accounts, intercept shipments, and more.

The repercussions of these attacks are often far-reaching. When successful, they may lead to significant inventory and revenue losses, supply chain disruption, and erosion of brand reputation and customer trust.

Read the white paper, How to stop business email compromise threats, and find out:

  • Why BEC is hard to identify — for security tools and employees
  • What a Type 4 BEC attack looks like
  • 4 strategies businesses can use to block BEC attempts