PolarFire CoaXPress GenlCam 12G Video Kit

PolarFire CoaXPress GenlCam 12G Video Kit

Download this demo guide to learn how to run the CoaXPress 12.5 Gbps video demo using the PolarFire Video Kit and CXP-12 Host board, Dual Camera sensor module and CXP-12 Device board and a HDMI monitor. The demo design features a fully integrated solution developed using Microsemi Libero SoC software to help customers evaluate PolarFire in smart embedded vision applications and to build prototypes quickly.

The demo demonstrates the following functions:

  • MIPI CSI-2 RX to read the 4K dual camera input
  •  CoaXPress IP configured as the CXP Device to transmit 4K video data from 2 cameras to the
    CXP host
  • CoaXPress IP configured as the CXP Host to receive 4K video data from 2 cameras from the
    CXP device
  • CFA (Color Filter Array) to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) conversion
  • Display controller
  • Picture In Picture (PIP)
  • 4K image panning through 1920x1080 output via HDMI 1.4 TX port
  • Edge detection
  • Image enhancements such as contrast, brightness, or color balance
  • Send GenICam commands from the CXP Host to CXP Device to control camera settings.
  • Fetch XML file from the CXP Device to CXP Host to save it on the host computer and displaying
    on the user interface (GUI)